Benefits of membership

We would very much welcome your membership and involvement with the ALC, or the Young ALC, if you are a junior practitioner.

By joining, your views and concerns in relation to the representation of children can inform our aims and our work.

Some of the benefits of membership include:

  • We will keep you updated with the work of the ALC via regular mailshots and also via our active social media.
  • We will send out alerts with key developments for children and young people.
  • We offer multiple opportunities over the year for high quality legal training (at discounted rates for members) – including events and webinars.
  • We hold an annual conference (at discounted rates for members) with a diverse range of speakers and workshops - bringing practitioners together for dynamic discussion, and debate .
  • For practitioners the conference & our hosting of other events and training provide an excellent opportunity for networking

If you would like to join the ALC, please access our on line application form. A range of membership options are available, including a discounted rate for junior practitioners.

For any further information, please also feel free to contact Fran Leeke (administrator) at [email protected].